This class can be used to create callbacks to run on idol’s branch-and-bound implementation.
BranchAndBoundCallback-s is an advanced feature.
Please, make sure that what you are trying do cannot be done with a solver-independent callback first, or with pre-existing callbacks, e.g., UserCutCallback or LazyCutCallback.
The advantage of using a BranchAndBoundCallback instead of a standard solver-independent Callback lies in the possibility to access specific information regarding the execution of the branch-and-bound algorithm. For instance, accessing a node’s information, or the current relaxation model being solved.
Here is an example of callback which prints out the event triggering it and, when the event corresponds to NodeLoaded, prints the node’s model to be solved.
class MyCallback : public BranchAndBoundCallbackFactory<NodeInfo> {
class Strategy : public BranchAndBoundCallback<NodeInfo> {
void operator()(CallbackEvent t_event) override {
std::cout << "MyCallback is called for " << t_event << std::endl;
if (t_event != NodeLoaded) {
std::cout << "The problem being solve at node " << node().id() << std::endl;
std::cout << relaxation() << std::endl;
BranchAndBoundCallback<NodeInfo> *operator()() override {
return new Strategy();
[[nodiscard]] BranchAndBoundCallbackFactory<NodeInfo> *clone() const override {
return new MyCallback(*this);
Then, this callback can be used as follows.
By default, most of the objects returned by BranchAndBoundCallback methods are const. If you wish to access non-const
versions (e.g., if you want to perform non-standard updates to the relaxed model or want to change the node’s current
information manually), you should use the advanced interface obtained by calling BranchAndBoundCallback::advanced_interface
template<class NodeInfoT>
class BranchAndBoundCallback¶ Subclassed by idol::CallbackAsBranchAndBoundCallback< NodeInfoT >::Strategy, idol::Cuts::KnapsackCover< NodeInfoT >::Strategy, idol::Heuristics::IntegerMaster< NodeInfoT >::Strategy, idol::ReducedCostFixing< NodeInfoT >::Strategy, idol::Utils::ExportBranchAndBoundTreeToCSV< NodeInfoT >::Strategy
Public Functions
virtual ~BranchAndBoundCallback() = default¶
Protected Functions
inline virtual void initialize()¶
This method is called at the very beginning of the Branch-and-Bound algorithm
virtual void operator()(CallbackEvent t_event) = 0¶
This method is left for the user to write and consists in the main execution block of the callback.
- Parameters:
t_event – The event triggering the callback
inline virtual void log_after_termination()¶
void add_user_cut(const TempCtr &t_cut)¶
Adds a user cut to the relaxation
- Parameters:
t_cut – the cut to be added
void add_lazy_cut(const TempCtr &t_cut)¶
Adds a lazy cut to the relaxation
- Parameters:
t_cut – the cut to be added
const Node<NodeInfoT> &node() const¶
Returns the node which is currently explored
- Returns:
the node which is currently explored
const Model &relaxation() const¶
Returns the current node’s model being solved
- Returns:
the current node’s model being solved
const Model &original_model() const¶
Returns the original model from which the branch-and-bound algorithm started (i.e., the original non-relaxed model)
- Returns:
the original model
void submit_heuristic_solution(NodeInfoT *t_info)¶
Submits a new solution to the branch-and-bound tree algorithm.
The solution is checked for validity according to the branch-and-bound tree branching rule and is set as incumbent if and only if it is valid and improves the current best objective.
- Parameters:
t_info – a node information storing the solution
void submit_bound(double t_bound)¶
Submits a new proven bound.
The given bound is set as best bound if and only if it improves the current best bound.
- Parameters:
t_bound – a proven bound
const SideEffectRegistry &side_effect_registry() const¶
Returns the side effect registry
- Returns:
the side effect registry
const Timer &time() const¶
double best_bound() const¶
double best_obj() const¶
void terminate()¶
virtual ~BranchAndBoundCallback() = default¶