

class Env : public idol::impl::Env

Environment class.

This class stores and manages every optimization objects and annotations in idol.

Essentially, it is the environment that controls the death and lives of such objects. It is through the environment that idol manages the different versions each optimization object may have during the execution of your program.

Important: If an optimization environment is destroyed, all of its objects are also destroyed. Trying to access them will lead to undefined behavior and, eventually, segmentation fault.

Typically, only one environment should be used by your code, though it is possible to instantiate many environment (not advised).

Environments are objects of the Env class and can be created as follows.

Env env; // Creates a new optimization environment.

Public Functions

Env() = default


Creates a new optimization environment.

template<class T>
inline const auto &operator[](const T &t_object) const

Returns the default version of an optimization object.

Template Parameters:

T – The type of object queried.


t_object – The object. @returnthe The default version of an optimization object.


friend class Model
friend class Var
friend class Ctr
friend class QCtr
friend class impl::Annotation