Solving an optimistic LP-LP bilevel problem with KKT reformulation

Problem Definition

This example is taken from [8] and is an LP-LP bilevel problem.

The problem is formulated as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \min_{x, y} \quad & x + 6 y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & -x + 5y \le 12.5, \\ & x \ge 0, \\ & y\in \begin{array}[t]{rl} \displaystyle \underset{y}{\text{arg min}} \quad & -y \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & 2 x - y \ge 0, \\ & -x - y \ge -6, \\ & -x + 6 y \ge -3, \\ & x + 3 y \ge 3. \end{array} \end{align}\end{split}\]

In this example, we will reformulate the bilevel problem as a single-level problem using the KKT conditions. The resulting problem will be solved by Gurobi as an NLP. Note that it is also possible to provide valid big-Ms to reformulate this problem as an MILP. Check out our tutorials to learn more.


// Created by henri on 30.08.24.
#include <iostream>
#include "idol/modeling.h"
#include "idol/bilevel/modeling/Description.h"
#include "idol/mixed-integer/optimizers/wrappers/Gurobi/Gurobi.h"
#include "idol/bilevel/modeling/read_from_file.h"
#include "idol/mixed-integer/modeling/models/KKT.h"
#include "idol/mixed-integer/optimizers/wrappers/GLPK/GLPK.h"
#include "idol/mixed-integer/modeling/models/KKT.h"
#include "idol/bilevel/optimizers/KKT/KKT.h"

using namespace idol;

int main(int t_argc, const char** t_argv) {

        This example is taken from Kleinert, T. (2021). “Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Bilevel Problems with Convex Followers.” PhD thesis.
        min x + 6 y

        -x + 5 y <= 12.5,

        y in argmin { -y :
            2 x - y >= 0,
            -x - y >= -6,
            -x + 6 y >= -3,
            x + 3 y >= 3.

        x >= 0.


    Env env;

    // Define High Point Relaxation
    Model high_point_relaxation(env);

    auto x = high_point_relaxation.add_var(0, Inf, Continuous, 0., "x");
    auto y = high_point_relaxation.add_var(-Inf, Inf, Continuous, 0., "y");

    high_point_relaxation.set_obj_expr(x + 6 * y);
    auto follower_c1 = high_point_relaxation.add_ctr(2 * x - y >= 0, "f1");
    auto follower_c2 = high_point_relaxation.add_ctr(-x - y >= -6, "f2");
    auto follower_c3 = high_point_relaxation.add_ctr(-x + 6 * y >= -3, "f3");
    auto follower_c4 = high_point_relaxation.add_ctr(x + 3 * y >= 3, "f4");
    high_point_relaxation.add_ctr(-x + 5 * y <= 12.5);

    // Prepare bilevel description
    Bilevel::Description description(env);
    auto single_level = Bilevel::KKT::make_model(high_point_relaxation, description);

     * Alternatively, you could also do
     *  high_point_relaxation.use(Bilevel::KKT().with_single_level_optimizer(Gurobi()));
     *  high_point_relaxation.optimize();
     * Or even,
     *  high_point_relaxation.use(Bilevel::KKT() + Gurobi());


    std::cout << save_primal(single_level) << std::endl;

    return 0;