List of CMake Options

This page contains a list of all CMake options that can be used to configure idol. In particular, this is useful to link idol with external solvers.

Linking with External Solvers

Gurobi (Commercial Solver)

To link with Gurobi, you will need to pass the USE_GUROBI CMake option with value YES.

By default, CMake will look for Gurobi inside the folder indicated by the environment variable GUROBI_HOME (see this official Gurobi page). Note that it is also possible to pass the CMake option GUROBI_DIR=/path/to/gurobi/install/dir in order to specify another directory to look for Gurobi.


The following will create an install target which will install idol with Gurobi.

cmake -DUSE_GUROBI=YES -DGUROBI_DIR=/path/to/gurobi/install/dir ..

If you are doing a local installation, then the same can be achieved as follows.

set(GUROBI_DIR /path/to/gurobi/install/dir)

Mosek (Commercial Solver)

To link with Mosek, you will need to pass the USE_MOSEK CMake option with value YES.

By default, CMake will look for Mosek inside the folder indicated by the environment variable MOSEK_HOME. Note that it is also possible to pass the CMake option MOSEK_DIR=/path/to/mosek/install/dir in order to specify another directory to look for Mosek.

Note that MOSEK_HOME (or equivalently MOSEK_DIR) should point to the Mosek installation folder where folders h and bin can be found. For instance, MOSEK_HOME=~/mosek/10.0/tools/platform/linux64x86.


The following will create an install target which will install idol with Mosek.

cmake -DUSE_MOSEK=YES -DMOSEK_DIR=/path/to/mosek/install/dir ..

If you are doing a local installation, then the same can be achieved as follows.

set(MOSEK_DIR /path/to/mosek/install/dir)


If you intend to use Mosek for solving QPs or SOCPs, please read this.

GLPK (Open-Source Solver)

To link with GLPK, you will need to pass the USE_GLPK CMake option with value YES.

By default, CMake will look for GLPK inside the folder indicated by the environment variable GLPK_HOME as well as in the default installation folders /usr/include and /usr/lib. Note that it is also possible to pass the CMake option GLPK_DIR=/path/to/glpk/install/dir in order to specify another directory to look for GLPK.


The following will create an install target which will install idol with GLPK.

cmake -DUSE_GLPK=YES -DGLPK_DIR=/path/to/glpk/install/dir ..

If you are doing a local installation, then the same can be achieved as follows.

set(GLPK_DIR /path/to/glpk/install/dir)

HiGHS (Open-Source Solver)

To link with GLPK, you will need to pass the USE_HIGHS CMake option with value YES.

By default, CMake will look for HIGHS inside the default installation folders /usr/include and /usr/lib. Note that it is also possible to pass the CMake option HIGHS_DIR=/path/to/highs/install/dir in order to specify another directory to look for GLPK.


The following will create an install target which will install idol with GLPK.

cmake -DUSE_HIGHS=YES -DHIGHS_DIR=/path/to/glpk/install/dir ..

If you are doing a local installation, then the same can be achieved as follows.

set(HIGHS_DIR /path/to/glpk/install/dir)

coin-or (Open-Source Solvers)

idol can be linked with some of the coin-or libraries. Hereafter, we give a list of such libraries. For all the USE_* options, you will need to define the environment variable COIN_OR_HOME or to set the CMake option COIN_OR_DIR. It must point to the dist directory of coin-or.


The following will prepare CMake for linking against coin-or libraries.

cmake -DCOIN_OR_DIR=/path/to/coin_or/dist <OTHER_OPTIONS_GO_HERE> ..

If you are doing a local installation, then the same can be achieved as follows.

set(COIN_OR_DIR /path/to/coin_or/dist)

We now give the list of options which can be used in relation with coin-or libraries.

  • USE_OSI=YES: use the Osi solver.

  • USE_SYMPHONY=YES: use the Symphony solver (can only be used through Osi).

  • USE_CBC=YES: use the Cbc solver (can only be used through Osi).

  • USE_CLP=YES: use the Clp solver (can only be used through Osi).

  • USE_CPLEX=YES: use the Cplex solver (can only be used through Osi).

  • USE_MIBS=YES: use the MibS solver (will automatically search for Alps, Bcps, Blis, and Cgl).

Building Examples

Examples : can be found at the root level of the idol repository, inside the directory examples.

By default, CMake will not generate targets to build these example. To tell CMake to generate these, you need to set the CMake option BUILD_EXAMPLE to YES.


The following will tell CMake to create targets for examples.


For instance, we can now build the Knapsack Problem example,

make example_knapsack

and run it.

cd examples && ./example_knapsack

Other optional dependencies

Using martinus/robin-hood-hashing hash map

Internally, idol uses unordered maps (also called hash maps). Unfortunately, the default std implementation is not the best choice when it comes to performance. To avoid this, if found relevant, users can tell idol to use the hash-map implementation of martinus/robin-hood-hashing. It’s actually a header-only library, so all you have to do is to tell CMake where the robin_hood.hpp file is. This is done through the CMake option ROBINHOOD_DIR=/path/to/robin_hood/folder together with USE_ROBINHOOD=YES.

Note that, if ROBINHOOD_DIR is not specified, robin_hood.hpp is searched for in /usr/include, /usr/include/robin_hood/, /usr/local/include/, /usr/local/include/robin_hood/ and in the path stored in the environment variable ROBINHOOD_HOME.


The following will create an install target which will install idol with martinus’s robin_hood hash map implementation.

cmake -DUSE_ROBINHOOD=YES -DROBINHOOD_DIR=/path/to/robin_hood/folder ..

Using Eigen

Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. It is internally used by idol for some of its functionalities. In particular, this is necessary for solving QPs and SOCPs with the Mosek solver.

Since Eigen is a header-only library, all you have to do is to tell CMake where the Eigen folder is. This is done through the CMake option EIGEN_DIR=/path/to/eigen/folder together with USE_EIGEN=YES.


The following will create an install target which will install idol with Eigen.

cmake -DUSE_EIGEN=YES -DEIGEN_DIR=/path/to/eigen/folder ..

Building Unit and Integration Tests

To build tests for idol, please refer to this developer page.