Using Strong Branching

Strong Branching is a technique that falls into the category of variable selection rules, a crucial aspect of Branch-and-Bound algorithms.

More specifically, the task is to decide which variable to branch on at each node of the Branch-and-Bound tree, i.e, among a set of branching candidates whose value must be integer, one must decide which variable with fractional value in the current solution of the relaxation to choose for creating child nodes.

The most common rule is the so-called Most-Infeasible rule, which selects a variable whose fractional part is closest to 0.5. Unfortunately, this rule performs badly in practice. Most importantly, if solving a node is computationally hard, it makes sense to spend some time in carefully choosing the variable to branch on. This is typically the case when nodes are solved using Column Generation.


Clearly, Strong Branching is not only used in the context of column generation. It is a general technique that can be used in any context where solving a node is computationally expensive. Thus, this tutorial is not specific to the context of column generation, though we will use it as an example.

The idea of Strong Branching is to evaluate the effect of branching on a variable before branching actually happens.

Formal Definition

Let \(C\) be a set of indices for branching candidates at a given node, i.e., for each \(j\in C\), \(x_j\) is an integer variable in the original problem but with \(x_j^*\notin\mathbb Z\) at the current node. Strong Branching tries to evaluate the effect of applying branching constraints \(x_j \le \lfloor x_j^* \rfloor\) and \(x_j \ge \lceil x_j^* \rceil\) to the current node. To do so, it solves, before branching happens, and for each \(j\in C\), both the left and right child node. Let \(z_i^\le\) and \(z_i^\ge\) denote the (optimal) value of the left and right nodes if branching is performed on \(x_j\). The “effect of branching on \(x_j\)” is then estimated by computing a score, noted \(\text{Score}(j)\), based on \(z_j^\le\) and \(z_j^\ge\). Then Strong Branching selects the variable with an index \(j^*\) such that (for minimization problems)

\[j^* \in \text{argmax}\{ \text{Score}(j) : j\in C \}.\]

Empirically, Strong Branching is known to produce substantially smaller Branch-and-Bound trees compared to other branching rules. Unfortunately, computing \(\text{Score}(j)\) typically requires a lot of time. To avoid this, several techniques have been designed such as Restricted Strong Branching and Strong Branching with Phases (see below).

For more details, please refer to [1].

Scoring Functions

Two common scoring functions \(\text{Score}(j)\) are found in the literature. The linear formula [9]

\[\text{LinearScore}(j) := (1 - \mu) \min(\Delta_j^\le, \Delta_j^\ge) + \mu \max(\Delta_j^\le, \Delta_j^\ge),\]

and the product formula

\[\text{ProductScore}(j) := \max(\Delta_j^\le, \varepsilon) \max(\Delta_j^\ge, \varepsilon),\]

in which \(\Delta_j^\le := z_j^\le - z^*\) and \(\Delta_j^\ge := z_j^\ge - z^*\) with \(z^*\) denoting the (optimal) value of the current node. Parameters \(\mu\in[0,1]\) and \(\varepsilon > 0\) are given. In idol, \(\mu = 1/6\) and \(\varepsilon = 10^{-6}\).


There are several variants of Strong Branching. The most common ones are:

  • Full Strong Branching denotes the standard Strong Branching rule which solves all \(2|C|\) nodes at each branching decision. The drawback of this approach is that it may take a lot of time to solve all these sub-problems before branching actually happens.

  • Restricted Strong Branching is an attempt to reduce the computational burden of Full Strong Branching. The idea is to consider only a maximum of \(K\) branching candidates at each branching decision instead of the whole set \(C\). Thus, \(C\) is replaced by a smaller set \(R\subseteq C\) such that \(|R| = K\) with \(K\) fixed. The “restricted branching candidate set” \(R\) is created by taking the \(K\) first variables selected by, yet another, branching rule, e.g., the most-infeasible rule.

  • Strong Branching with Look Ahead is similar to Restricted Strong Branching yet differs from it by not specifying a fixed size for the “restricted branching candidate set” \(R\). Instead, it considers a look ahead parameter, noted \(L\), and applies the Full Strong Branching rule. However, if the branching candidate does not change after \(L\) iterations, the algorithm stops and the current branching candidate is returned.

  • Strong Branching with Phases is a combination of the above three approaches which applies different schemes depending on the level of the current node in the Branch-and-Bound tree. Additionally, it allows to solve each node only approximately by, e.g., imposing a maximum number of iterations for the underlying Column Generation algorithm.


This section explains how to use the Strong Branching rule in idol. It is based on the Generalized Assignment Problem example from the Column Generation. More specifically, we will assume that you have a variable model of type Model which has a decomposable structure specified by the annotation (Annotation<unsigned int>) decomposition.

Full Strong Branching

Recall that the Branch-and-Price algorithm is created by the following code.

const auto column_generation =

Now, we will show how to use Strong Branching as a branching rule. This is done while creating our Branch-and-Bound algorithm. In particular, we will use the StrongBranching class to define our branching rule. We can, for instance, simply declare

const auto branching_rule =

which will create a new Full Strong Branching rule. Just like any other branching rule, it can be used by calling the BranchAndBound::with_branching_rule method.

const auto branch_and_bound =

Then, we can write a Branch-and-Price algorithm and solve our problem as follows.

const auto branch_and_price = branch_and_bound + column_generation;



Beware that here, we only implemented Full Strong Branching which, as we saw, is not computationally convenient… Let’s see how to implemented Restricted Strong Branching.

Restricted Strong Branching

To implement Restricted Branching, one simply needs to call the StrongBranching::with_max_n_variables method. This is done as follows.

const auto branching_rule =

Here, we set the maximum number of considered variables equal to \(K = 50\).


In this section, we will discuss how to implement phases with the strong branching rule. This is done by using the StrongBranching::add_phase method. This method takes three arguments: a phase type, which is used to indicate how each node should be solved, e.g., with some iteration limit, a maximum number of variables to consider, for restricted strong branching, and a maximum depth, used to trigger the phase based on the level of the current node in the Branch-and-Bound tree.

Here is an instance of strong branching with phases which, for nodes whose level is below or equal to 3, applies Full Strong Branching, then switches to Restricted Strong Branching with \(K = 30\) and which solves nodes with an iteration limit of 20.

const auto branching_rule =
                .add_phase(StrongBranchingPhases::WithNodeOptimizer(), std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), 3)
                .add_phase(StrongBranchingPhases::WithIterationLimit(20), 30, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());

Observe how we used std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() to remove restrictions on the number of considered variables and on the maximum depth for the final phase. Note that, by default, if no phase is triggered for a given depth, e.g., because it was not specified, Full Strong Branching is applied. Here, however, we make sure that the second phase is always triggered.

Changing the Scoring Function

The scoring function can be changed by calling the StrongBranching::with_scoring_function method. This method takes a scoring function as an argument. The scoring function is a sub-class of NodeScoreFunction and can be Linear or Product.

By default, idol uses the product scoring function. To change it to the linear scoring function, one can simply write

const auto branching_rule =