Objective Functions

Adding an Objective Function

The objective function of an optimization model can specified by the Model::set_obj_expr method. The objective function is a linear expression of the decision variables.

Here is an example which sets the objective function to \(-x_0 + 2 x_1\);

model.set_obj_expr(-x_0 + 2 * x_1);

Accessing the Objective Function

The objective function can be accessed using the Model::get_obj_expr method. The objective sense can be accessed using the Model::get_obj_sense method.

If a given model has been solved, the best objective function value can be accessed using the Model::get_best_obj method. The best bound can be accessed using the Model::get_best_bound method.

Changing the Optimization Sense

To change the optimization sense, use the Model::set_obj_sense method. The optimization sense can be either Minimize or Maximize. For instance,


Alternatively, one can use the constructor of the Model class to set the optimization sense.

Env env;
Model model(env, Maximize); // Creates a model for maximization