Getting Access to The Underlying Optimizer

In some situations, you may want to access the underlying optimizer. For instance, this could be the case if you want to get optimizer-specific information which are not exposed by the Model interface.

In this case, you can use the Model::optimizer method. Note that this method will return a reference of type Optimizer&.

To access optimizer-specific routines, you will need to cast the reference to the appropriate optimizer type. This is made easier by the Optimizer::as and Optimizer::is methods, which allow you to cast the optimizer to a specific type or check if it is of a specific type.

For instance, the following code shows how to access the underlying Gurobi optimizer of model.

Env env;
Model model(env);
const auto x = model.add_var(0.0, 1.0, Continuous, Column(-1), "x");


auto& gurobi_optimizer = model.optimizer().as<Optimizers::Gurobi>(); // Cast the optimizer to "Optimizers::Gurobi"

GRBVar& var = gurobi_optimizer[x]; // Access the optimizer-specific routines


A common mistake is to try to cast the optimizer to the wrong type. In particular, to cast optimizer to its optimizer factory type (e.g., Gurobi instead of Optimizers::Gurobi). This will result in a runtime error.