Writing a Column-and-Constraint-Generation Algorithm

In this tutorial, we will see how to write a column-and-constraint-generation to solve a two-stage robust problem.

To this end, we will assume that you have your two-stage robust problem modeled already in idol. In particular, we consider that you have

  1. (idol::Model) model which is the deterministic model of the problem in which the uncertain data are seen as parameters.

  2. (idol::Model) uncertainty_set which is the uncertainty set of the robust problem.

  3. (idol::Robust::StageDescription) stages which stores the assignments of variables and constraints to each stage.

If you do not know what these are, please refer to the tutorial on how to model a two-stage robust problem.

Then, you can solve this two-stage robust problem using a column-and-constraint-generation algorithm as follows:

        Robust::ColumnAndConstraintGeneration(stages, uncertainty_set)


std::cout << save_primal(model) << std::endl;

Notice that the optimizer is attached to the deterministic model and that both the uncertainty set and the stages are passed as arguments. An optimizer to solve the master problem is necessary and will be called when needed. Here, we use the Gurobi optimizer.

Most importantly, it is also necessary to specify a separator. The separator is a sub-routine of the CCG algorithm which solves the separation problem, i.e., it finds the worst-case scenario for a given solution to the master problem. In this example, we use the Bilevel separator which calls the MibS bilevel optimization solver at each iteration.

Finally, the method optimize is called to solve the problem and the solution is printed.