Using Trust Region Stabilization¶
This tutorial describes how to use the trust region stabilization in the CCG algorithm. This stabilization technique is inspired by the work of [3] on Benders decomposition.
This feature is only applicable if the first-stage decisions are binary, i.e., \(X \subseteq \{0,1\}^{n_x}\).
In this section, we discuss stabilization of the CCG algorithm if the first-stage decisions are binary, i.e., \(X \subseteq \{0,1\}^{n_x}\).
Let \(\bar x\) be a given stability center, i.e., a point that is thought to be a “good” solution to the problem. The following constraint is called a local branching constraint:
with \(\rho\) a given radius. Additionally, we call reversed local branching constraint the following constraint:
At each iteration, the stabilized CCG algorithm solves the following problem instead of (2):
for some set \(R\subseteq X\times\mathbb N\) of reversed local branching constraints.
The complete stabilized CCG algorithm is described with the following pseudocode.
\begin{algorithm} \caption{Stabilized CCG Algorithm} \begin{algorithmic} \REQUIRE An initial radius \( \rho\in\{ 1,\dotsc, n_x \} \) and an initial point \( \bar x\in X \). \STATE Initialize \( k \gets 0 \), \( UB \gets +\infty \), \( LB \gets -\infty \), \( R \gets \emptyset \) \STATE Solve the restricted master problem (RMP) \IF{the RMP is infeasible} \IF{ \( \rho \ge n_x \) } \STATE STOP, \( UB \) is the optimal value. \ENDIF \STATE Add a reversed local branching constraint, \( R \gets R \cup (\bar x, \rho) \) \STATE Increase \( \rho \) \ELSE \STATE Let \( x^k \) be the solution of the RMP and \( v^k \) be its value \STATE Solve the separation problem, let \( \xi^k \) be the solution and \( s^k \) be its value \IF{ \( s^k \le \varepsilon_\text{feas} \) } \STATE \( UB \gets \min\{ UB, v^k \} \) \STATE Solve the RMP without the stabilization constraints, let $\underline v^k$ be its value, set \( LB \gets \underline v^k \) \IF{ \( UB - LB \le \varepsilon \) } \STATE STOP, \( UB \) is the optimal value. \ENDIF \STATE Add a reversed local branching constraint, \( R \gets R \cup (x^k, \rho) \) \STATE Update the stability center \( \bar x \gets x^k \) \STATE Optionally, reset \( \rho \gets 1 \) \ENDIF \STATE \( k \gets k + 1 \) \STATE Go back to step 2 \ENDIF \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}
Note that if \(\rho \ge n_x\), the stabilized CCG is exactly the CCG algorithm.
Implementation in idol¶
Activating the trust region stabilization in idol is done through the method with_stabilization
of the idol::Robust::ColumnAndConstraintGeneration
An object of the class Robust::CCGStabilizers::TrustRegion
must be passed as an argument to the method.
The following code shows how to use the trust region stabilization in idol.
Robust::ColumnAndConstraintGeneration(stages, uncertainty_set)
Note that the radius \(\rho\) is set to
where \(\mu_i\) is a parameter controlling the size of the trust region and \(n_x\) is the number of (binary) first-stage variables. By default, \(\mu_i\) takes value in
:\(\lbrace .01, .02, .5 \rbrace\).
You can set the values of \(\mu_i\) by calling the method with_trust_factors
of the class Robust::CCGStabilizers::TrustRegion
For instance, the following code sets the trust factors to \(\lbrace .02, .5 \rbrace\).
Robust::ColumnAndConstraintGeneration(stages, uncertainty_set)
.with_trust_factors({.02, .5})