Two-Stage Robust Facility Location Problem (CCG)
Problem Description
We consider a robust version of the capacitated Facility Location Problem (FLP). Given a set of potential facility locations \(V_1\) and a set of customers \(V_2\), the goal is to select a subset of facility locations to activate in order to serve all customers’ demand, while minimizing the total cost. This version introduces uncertainty in the customers’ demands.
Note that there is also an example for the deterministic version of the FLP using Column Generation.
Each facility \(i\in V_1\) has an opening cost \(f_i\) and a maximum capacity \(q_i\). Each customer \(j\in V_2\) has a demand \(d_j\). The unitary cost for serving customer \(j\in V_2\) from facility \(i\in V_1\) is \(t_{ij}\). The uncertainty in customer demands is controlled by a parameter \(\Gamma\).
In this robust variant, we consider that the demands are uncertain and can be expressed as \(d_j(\xi) = d_j(1 + p\xi_j)\) with \(p\) being the maximum increase in demand and \(\xi\) being an unknown vector taken in the uncertainty set
We model the two-stage robust FLP as
where \(Y(x,\xi)\) is the set of feasible solutions for the second stage problem, given the first stage solution \(x\) and the realization \(\xi\) of the uncertain demand vector. It is defined as the set of vectors \(y\in \mathbb{R}^{|V_1|\times|V_2|}\) that satisfy the following constraints
Implementation with idol
We now show how to implement the two-stage robust FLP with idol and how to solve it using a CCG algorithm. Here, the “adversarial problem” is solved by calling the bilevel solver MibS.
// Created by henri on 20.06.24.
#include <iostream>
#include <Research/idol/lib/include/idol/modeling.h>
#include "idol/optimizers/bilevel-optimization/wrappers/MibS/MibS.h"
#include "idol/modeling/bilevel-optimization/LowerLevelDescription.h"
#include "idol/optimizers/mixed-integer-optimization/wrappers/Gurobi/Gurobi.h"
#include "idol/modeling/bilevel-optimization/read_from_file.h"
#include "idol/problems/facility-location-problem/FLP_Instance.h"
#include "idol/optimizers/robust-optimization/column-and-constraint-generation/ColumnAndConstraintGeneration.h"
#include "idol/optimizers/robust-optimization/column-and-constraint-generation/separators/Bilevel.h"
#include "idol/modeling/robust-optimization/StageDescription.h"
#include "idol/optimizers/robust-optimization/column-and-constraint-generation/stabilizers/TrustRegion.h"
using namespace idol;
std::pair<Model, Vector<Var, 1>>
create_uncertainty_set(Env& t_env,
const Problems::FLP::Instance& t_instance,
double t_Gamma);
Model create_deterministic_model(Env& t_env,
const Problems::FLP::Instance& t_instance,
const Vector<Var, 1>& t_xi,
double t_percentage_increase);
Robust::StageDescription create_stage_description(const Model& t_model);
int main(int t_argc, const char** t_argv) {
Env env;
// Read instance
const auto instance = Problems::FLP::read_instance_1991_Cornuejols_et_al("");
const double Gamma = 3;
const double percentage_increase = .2;
// Create models
auto [uncertainty_set, xi] = create_uncertainty_set(env, instance, Gamma);
auto model = create_deterministic_model(env, instance, xi, percentage_increase);
auto stages = create_stage_description(model);
Robust::ColumnAndConstraintGeneration(stages, uncertainty_set)
std::cout << save_primal(model) << std::endl;
return 0;
std::pair<Model, Vector<Var, 1>>
create_uncertainty_set(Env& t_env, const Problems::FLP::Instance& t_instance, double t_Gamma) {
const unsigned int n_customers = t_instance.n_customers();
Model uncertainty_set(t_env);
auto xi = uncertainty_set.add_vars(Dim<1>(n_customers), 0., 1, Binary, "xi");
uncertainty_set.add_ctr(idol_Sum(j, Range(n_customers), xi[j]) <= t_Gamma);
return {
create_deterministic_model(Env& t_env, const Problems::FLP::Instance& t_instance, const Vector<Var, 1>& t_xi, double t_percentage_increase) {
const unsigned int n_customers = t_instance.n_customers();
const unsigned int n_facilities = t_instance.n_facilities();
Model result(t_env);
const auto x = result.add_vars(Dim<1>(n_facilities), 0., 1., Binary, "x");
const auto y = result.add_vars(Dim<2>(n_facilities, n_customers), 0., Inf, Continuous, "y");
// Capacity constraints
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n_facilities ; ++i) {
result.add_ctr(idol_Sum(j, Range(n_customers), y[i][j]) <= t_instance.capacity(i) * x[i]);
// Demand satisfaction constraints
for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < n_customers ; ++j) {
result.add_ctr(idol_Sum(i, Range(n_facilities), y[i][j]) == t_instance.demand(j) * (1 + t_percentage_increase * !t_xi[j]));
// Objective function
result.set_obj_expr(idol_Sum(i, Range(n_facilities),
t_instance.fixed_cost(i) * x[i]
+ idol_Sum(j, Range(n_customers),
t_instance.per_unit_transportation_cost(i, j) * y[i][j]
return std::move(result);
Robust::StageDescription create_stage_description(const Model& t_model) {
Robust::StageDescription result(t_model.env());
for (const auto& var : t_model.vars()) {
if ( != 'x') {
result.set_stage(var, 2);
for (const auto& ctr : t_model.ctrs()) {
result.set_stage(ctr, 2);
return result;