Global Installation
This page is dedicated to the local installation of idol. It is thought for more advanced users who want to install idol globally on their computer (e.g., in /usr/lib). If you simply want to “try out” idol, we advise you to opt for a local installation. The installation process is managed by the CMake build system. You will therefore need to have it installed on your computer.
The installation process follows the classical CMake build process “configure, build, install”.
The first step is to create a build
This is where the library will be compiled before being it is installed (i.e., copied) on your system.
mkdir build
cd build
Then, you should call CMake to configure the build process. It is at this time that we let CMake look for the necessary dependencies such as, e.g., external optimization solvers. By default, running CMake without options will cause idol to be built without any external solver. Note that options should be specified as follows:
A list of all possible options can be found on this page.
Example for Gurobi
Here is an example of a possible CMake command which will create the necessary targets for configuring idol to interface Gurobi.
Note that this example assumes that your environment variable GUROBI_HOME
has been correctly configured
(see this official Gurobi page).
If you want to specify the path to the Gurobi installation folder, you can use the GUROBI_DIR
cmake -DUSE_GUROBI=YES -DGUROBI_DIR=/path/to/gurobi/install/dir ..
Now that the build process has been configured, we can build idol by running the following command.
make idol
This will compile the idol C++ library, and make it ready to be installed (i.e., copied) on your computer.
If you encounter any error at this stage, please, do not hesitate to contact us on our GitHub page.
To install idol on your computer, run the following command.
sudo make install
Here, you need superuser rights to install idol globally. If you want to install idol on a specific folder,
you may also use the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
CMake option to change the destination folder.
cmake -CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/custom/installation/folder <YOUR_OTHER_CMAKE_OPTIONS...> ..
make install