Table of content

    Using column generation in constraint-and-column generation for adjustable robust optimization > JSP

    Loading the data

    Our results can be found in the results.jsp.csv file with the following columns:

    • “tag”: a tag always equal to “result” used grep the result line in our execution log file.
    • “instance”: the path to the instance.
    • “standard_phase_time_limit”: the time limit for the standard phase (i.e., without using CG).
    • “master_solver”: the solver used for solving the CCG master problem: STD for standard, i.e., Gurobi, CG for column generation.
    • “status”: the final status.
    • “reason”: the final status reason.
    • “has_large_scaled”: true if the CG phase has been started, false otherwise.
    • “n_iterations”: the number of iterations.
    • “total_time”: the total time to solve the problem.
    • “master_time”: the time spent solving the master problem.
    • “adversarial_time”: the time spent solving the adversarial problem.
    • “best_bound”: the best bound found.
    • “best_obj”: the best feasible point value.
    • “relative_gap”: the final relative gap.
    • “absolute_gap”: the final absolute gap.
    • “adversarial_unexpected_status”: the status of the adversarial problem solver if it is not Optimal.
    • “with_heuristic”: true if the CG-based heuristic is used.
    • “with_non_optimal_pricing”: always false.
    • “n_jobs”: the number of jobs in the instance.
    • “Gamma”: the value for the uncertainty budget \(\Gamma\).
    • “blank”: this column is left blank.
    data = read.csv("results.jsp.csv", header = FALSE)
    colnames(data) = c("tag", "instance", "standard_phase_time_limit", "master_solver", "status", "reason", "has_large_scaled", "n_iterations", "total_time", "master_time", "adversarial_time", "best_bound", "best_obj", "relative_gap", "absolute_gap", "adversarial_unexpected_status",  "with_heuristic", "with_non_optimal_pricing", "n_jobs", "Gamma", "blank")

    We start by removing the “tag” and the “blank” columns.

    data = data[, !(names(data) %in% c("tag", "blank"))]

    For homogeneity, we fix the total_time of unsolved instances to the time limit.

    if (sum(data$total_time > 7200) > 0 ) {
      data[data$total_time > 7200,]$total_time = 7200 

    Then, we create a column named “method” which gives a specific name to each method, comprising the approach for solving the CCG master problem, the time limit of the standard phase and a flag indicating if the CG-based heuristic was used.

    data$method = paste0(data$master_solver, "_TL", data$standard_phase_time_limit, "_H", data$with_heuristic)
    ## [1] "STD_TLInf_H0" "CG_TL60_H0"   "CG_TL60_H1"
    data = data[data$method != "STD_TLInf_H1" & data$method != "CG_TL120_H0" & data$method != "CG_TL120_H1",]

    Our final data reads.

    Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)

    We plot the ECDF of computation time over our set of instances for all approaches.

    ggplot(data, aes(x = total_time, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,7200)) +

    We export these results in csv to print them in tikz.

    data_with_ecdf = data %>%
      group_by(method) %>%
      arrange(total_time) %>%
      mutate(ecdf_value = ecdf(total_time)(total_time)) %>%
    for (method in unique(data_with_ecdf$method)) {
      output = data_with_ecdf[data_with_ecdf$method == method,]
      output = output[,c("total_time", "ecdf_value")]
      output$log_total_time = log10(output$total_time)
      output = output[output$total_time < 7200,]
      write.csv(output, file = paste0(method, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    Summary table

    In this section, we create a table summarizing the main outcome of our computational experiments.

    We first focus on the solved instances.

    summary_data_lt_7200 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 7200) %>%
      group_by(n_jobs, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_total_time = mean(total_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_master_time = mean(master_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_adversarial_time = mean(adversarial_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_n_iterations = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        sum_has_large_scaled = sum(has_large_scaled),
        num_lines = n(),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_jobs, Gamma, method)

    Then, we compute averages over the unsolved instances.

    summary_data_ge_7200 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time >= 7200) %>%
      group_by(n_jobs, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_n_iterations_unsolved = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        num_lines_unsolved = n()
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_jobs, Gamma, method)
    ## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'n_jobs', 'Gamma'. You can override using
    ## the `.groups` argument.

    Finally, we merge our results.

    transposed_data_lt_7200 <- summary_data_lt_7200 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_total_time:num_lines)
    transposed_data_ge_7200 <- summary_data_ge_7200 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_n_iterations_unsolved:num_lines_unsolved) %>%
      select(-n_jobs, -Gamma)
    ) %>%
      kable() %>%
      kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "center")
    n_jobs Gamma avg_total_time_CG_TL60_H0 avg_total_time_CG_TL60_H1 avg_total_time_STD_TLInf_H0 avg_master_time_CG_TL60_H0 avg_master_time_CG_TL60_H1 avg_master_time_STD_TLInf_H0 avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL60_H0 avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL60_H1 avg_adversarial_time_STD_TLInf_H0 avg_n_iterations_CG_TL60_H0 avg_n_iterations_CG_TL60_H1 avg_n_iterations_STD_TLInf_H0 sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL60_H0 sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL60_H1 sum_has_large_scaled_STD_TLInf_H0 num_lines_CG_TL60_H0 num_lines_CG_TL60_H1 num_lines_STD_TLInf_H0 avg_n_iterations_unsolved_CG_TL60_H0 avg_n_iterations_unsolved_CG_TL60_H1 avg_n_iterations_unsolved_STD_TLInf_H0 num_lines_unsolved_CG_TL60_H0 num_lines_unsolved_CG_TL60_H1 num_lines_unsolved_STD_TLInf_H0
    20 5 66.42400 65.27044 54.08124 64.09609 63.02577 53.16899 2.313212 2.230524 0.9013816 2.923077 2.897436 2.619718 12 12 0 78 78 71 202.5000 49.50000 6.666667 2 2 9
    20 7 46.94752 47.12294 14.60095 44.96908 45.13257 13.47536 1.965655 1.977401 1.1148425 2.772152 2.772152 2.608108 7 7 0 79 79 74 115.0000 17.00000 6.000000 1 1 6
    20 9 90.20025 91.33058 89.74445 88.71775 89.83822 89.05729 1.466528 1.476266 0.6760224 3.038461 3.051282 2.704225 12 12 0 78 78 71 77.5000 42.50000 7.222222 2 2 9
    25 5 400.36587 511.59671 285.83855 386.40725 495.86043 272.51119 13.936068 15.711339 13.3123444 3.123077 3.227273 2.741379 16 17 0 65 66 58 111.9286 113.30769 6.500000 14 13 20
    25 7 450.91390 373.72667 122.50668 357.09050 277.75319 41.95088 93.795642 95.947419 80.5427899 3.328571 3.231884 2.561403 16 15 0 70 69 57 112.0000 99.88889 6.142857 8 9 21
    25 9 430.64829 371.89725 173.98447 379.69323 325.43881 125.67400 50.930327 46.435814 48.2944896 3.253731 3.121212 2.694915 16 15 0 67 66 59 88.4000 81.63636 6.500000 10 11 18

    This document is automatically generated after every git push action on the public repository hlefebvr/ using rmarkdown and Github Actions. This ensures the reproducibility of our data manipulation. The last compilation was performed on the 12/09/24 14:05:52.