
Scientific Articles

In Peer-Reviewed Journals

Year Title Author(s) Status
2024 Exact Augmented Lagrangian Duality for Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt Preprint
2024 On Coupling Constraints in Linear Bilevel Optimization
optimization-online - arXiv
D. Henke, H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Preprint
2023 Using Column Generation in Column-and-Constraint Generation for Adjustable Robust Optimization
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Preprint
2023 Exact Approaches for Convex Adjustable Robust Optimization
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Preprint
2023 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Discrete Uncertainty
INFORMS Journal On Computing - optimization-online
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Published
2023 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Objective Uncertainty
European Journal of Operations Research - optimization-online
B. Detienne, H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Published
2022 A Two-Stage Robust Approach for the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs with Objective Uncertainty
Journal of Scheduling - HAL science ouverte
F. Clautiaux, B. Detienne, H. Lefebvre Published

As Conference Papers or Abstracts

Year Title Author(s) Status
2023 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Nonlinear Recourse
4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research
H. Lefebvre Published
2022 Reformulation for a Two-Stage Robust Facility Location Problem
23rd Conference of the French OR society (ROADEF 2022) - HAL science ouverte
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Accepted

Scientific Awards


Year Prize With
2024 EURO Dissertation Award - see official page
For my Ph.D thesis "Adjustable Robust Optimization with NonLinear Recourses"
E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, B. Detienne, F. Clautiaux
2021 ROADEF Best Master Thesis - see official page
For my master thesis "A Two-Stage Robust Approach for Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs with Profit Uncertainty"
F. Clautiaux, B. Detienne


Year Prize With
2023 Finalist - ODS AIROYoung Best Dissertation Award - see official page
For my Ph.D thesis "Adjustable Robust Optimization with NonLinear Recourses"
E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, B. Detienne, F. Clautiaux
2022 Finalist - ROADEF Best Student Article - see official page
For our paper "Reformulation for a Two-Stage Robust Facility Location Problem"
E. Malaguti, M. Monaci

Scientific Talks

Year Title Author(s) Type
2025 A Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm for Bilevel Optimization with Wait-and-see Follower
International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Los Angeles (USA)
H. Lefebvre, J. Thürauf Conference
2024 Advances in Two-Stage Robust Optimization: An Augmented Lagrangian Duality Viewpoint
Combinatorial Optimization under uncertainty through robustness, Paris (France)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Workshop
2024 Exact Augmented Lagrangian Duality for Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
OR 2024, Munich (Germany)
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt Conference
2024 Exact Augmented Lagrangian Duality for Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Montréal (Canada)
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt Conference
2024 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Nonlinear Recourses
See abstract - 33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Copenhagen (Denmark)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2024 Using Column Generation in Column-and-Constraint Generation for Adjustable Robust Optimization
Optimization at the Second Level Workshop, Marseille (France)
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Workshop
2024 A New Algorithm for a Class of NonConvex Bilevel Problems
EDGE Team Seminar, INRIA Bordeaux (France)
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt Research Seminar
2024 Exact Methods in Adjustable Robust Optimization
GROG Team Seminar, Grenoble INP (France)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Research Seminar
2024 Exact Methods in Adjustable Robust Optimization
INOCS Team Seminar, INRIA Lille (France)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Research Seminar
2024 Exact Methods in Adjustable Robust Optimization
POLARIS Team Seminar, INRIA Grenoble (France)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Research Seminar
2023 Using Column Generation in Column-and-Constraint Generation for Adjustable Robust Optimization
See Webinar Video - Robust Optimization Webinar - Season 2
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Webinar
2023 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Nonlinear Recourses
See abstract - 52nd International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS), Ischia (Italy)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2023 Speeding-up Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithms With Column Generation
See abstract - OR 2023, Hambourg (Germany)
H. Lefebvre, M. Schmidt, J. Thürauf Conference
2022 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Discrete Uncertainty
See abstract - 32nd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Espoo (Finland)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2022 Reformulation for a Two-Stage Robust Facility Location Problem
See abstract - 23rd Conference of the French OR society (ROADEF 2022), Lyon (France)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2021 A Finite ε-Convergent Algorithm for 0-1 Mixed-Integer Convex Two-Stage Robust Optimization with Objective Uncertainty
50th International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS), Roma (Italy)
H. Lefebvre, B. Detienne, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2021 A Finite ε-Convergent Algorithm for 0-1 Mixed-Integer Convex Two-Stage Robust Optimization with Objective Uncertainty
See abstract - 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), virtual
H. Lefebvre, B. Detienne, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2021 A Finite ε-Convergent Algorithm for 0-1 Mixed-Integer Convex Two-Stage Robust Optimization with Objective Uncertainty
See abstract - 22nd Conference of the French OR society (ROADEF), virtual
H. Lefebvre, B. Detienne, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference
2020 A Two-Stage Robust Approach for Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs with Profit Uncertainty
See abstract - 21st Conference of the French OR society (ROADEF), Montpellier (France)
H. Lefebvre, B. Detienne, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci Conference

Scientific Posters

Year Title Author(s) Status
2022 Reformulation for Adjutable Robust Optimization with Discrete Uncertainty
See poster - Mixed Integer Programming Workshop 2022, New York (USA)
H. Lefebvre, E. Malaguti, M. Monaci