Henri Lefebvre

Ph.D | University of Trier (Universität Trier)

Henri is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Trier University (Germany) in the "Nonlinear Optimization" group. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Bologna (DEI) under the supervision of Michele Monaci and Enrico Malaguti where he studied adjustable robust optimization problems with nonlinear recourses. His thesis was awarded the "Best Dissertation Award" by the Association of European Operational Research Societies in 2024.

His main research interests are in multi-level optimization, optimization under uncertainty and decomposition methods for large-scale applications. In particular, his work focuses on exact methods for bi-level and two-stage robust problems using decomposition approaches.

Research Interests

  • (Adjustable) Robust Optimization
  • Bilevel Optimization
  • Non-Linear Optimization
  • Decomposition methods
  • Column Generation


  • Ph.D in Operations Research, 2023
    DEI - Università di Bologna (Italy)
    Thesis: Adjustable Robust Optimization with Nonlinear Recourses
    Supervisors: Michele Monaci, Enrico Malaguti


RODES - Robuste Optimierung für das Design von Energiesystemen

My post-doc is part of the RODES project, which started in 2023. The project is supported by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Förderkennzeichen 05M22UTB).

ALOP - Algorithmic Optimization

I am an associate member of the research training group on Algorithmic Optimization at the University of Trier, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

MINOA - Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization and Applications

I was an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in MINOA from 2019 to 2021. The project “Mixed-Integer Non Linear Optimisation: Algorithms and Applications” has received funding from the Europeans Union’s EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant Agreement No 764759.