Scientific Awards
Winner of the "EURO Dissertation Award".
Jointly with E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, B. Detienne, F. Clautiaux.
For my PhD thesis "Adjustable Robust Optimization with NonLinear Recourses".
External link
Myself and the jury of the EDDA in Copenhagen
Finalist of the "AIROYoung Best Dissertation Award".
Jointly with E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, B. Detienne, F. Clautiaux.
For my PhD thesis "Adjustable Robust Optimization with NonLinear Recourses".
External link
All finalists of the AIROYoung Dissertation Award 2023
Finalist of the "ROADEF Best Student Article".
Jointly with E. Malaguti, M. Monaci.
For our paper "Reformulation for a Two-Stage Robust Facility Location Problem".
External link
Winner of the "ROADEF Best Master Thesis Award".
Jointly with F. Clautiaux, B. Detienne.
For my master thesis "A Two-Stage Robust Approach for Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs with Profit Uncertainty".
External link