Open Science

As scientists, we should aim for the highest standards of transparency and accessibility. Here, I make available - as much as I can - all the material related to my papers, in particular:

Code Year Title Authors Method Code Data Access Resources Status
AE 2023 Using Column Generation in Column-and-Constraint Generation for Adjustable Robust Optimization Lefebvre, H., Schmidt, M., Thürauf, J. Preprint
AD 2022 Exact Approaches for Convex Adjustable Robust Optimization Lefebvre, H., Malaguti, E., Monaci, M. Preprint
AC 2022 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Discrete Uncertainty Lefebvre, H., Malaguti, E., Monaci, M. Article
AB 2022 Adjustable Robust Optimization with Objective Uncertainty Lefebvre, H., Detienne, B., Malaguti, E., Monaci, M. Article
AA 2022 A Two-Stage Robust Approach for the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs with Objective Uncertainty Clautiaux, F., Detienne, B., Lefebvre, H. Article