Table of Contents

    Using column generation in constraint-and-column generation for adjustable robust optimization > FLP

    Loading the data

    Our results can be found in the results.flp.csv file with the following columns:

    • “tag”: a tag always equal to “result” used grep the result line in our execution log file.
    • “instance”: the path to the instance.
    • “standard_phase_time_limit”: the time limit for the standard phase (i.e., without using CG).
    • “master_solver”: the solver used for solving the CCG master problem: STD for standard, i.e., Gurobi, CG for column generation.
    • “status”: the final status.
    • “reason”: the final status reason.
    • “has_large_scaled”: true if the CG phase has been started, false otherwise.
    • “n_iterations”: the number of iterations.
    • “total_time”: the total time to solve the problem.
    • “master_time”: the time spent solving the master problem.
    • “adversarial_time”: the time spent solving the adversarial problem.
    • “best_bound”: the best bound found.
    • “best_obj”: the best feasible point value.
    • “relative_gap”: the final relative gap.
    • “absolute_gap”: the final absolute gap.
    • “adversarial_unexpected_status”: the status of the adversarial problem solver if it is not Optimal.
    • “with_heuristic”: true if the CG-based heuristic is used.
    • “n_facilities”: the number of facilities in the instance.
    • “n_customers”: the number of customers in the instance.
    • “Gamma”: the value for the uncertainty budget \(\Gamma\).
    • “blank”: this column is left blank.
    data = rbind(
      read.csv("results.csv", header = FALSE) 
    colnames(data) = c("slurm_file", "tag", "instance", "standard_phase_time_limit_raw", "Gamma", "with_heuristic", "standard_phase_time_limit", "master_solver", "status", "reason", "has_large_scaled", "n_iterations", "total_time", "master_time", "adversarial_time", "best_bound", "best_obj", "relative_gap", "absolute_gap", "second_stage.mean", "second_stage.std_dev", "adversarial_unexpected_status", "memory_used", "memory_limit")
    data = data %>% mutate(instance = basename(instance),
                    n_facilities = as.numeric(sub(".*F(\\d+)_C.*", "\\1", instance)),
                    n_customers = as.numeric(sub(".*C(\\d+)_.*", "\\1", instance))

    We start by removing the “tag” and the “blank” columns.

    #data = data[, !(names(data) %in% c("tag", "blank"))]

    We then remove instances which were not considered in our experimental results because none of the approaches could solve sufficiently many instances.

    #data = data[data$n_customers != 40,]
    #data = data[data$n_facilities == 10,]

    For homogeneity, we fix the total_time of unsolved instances to the time limit.

    if (sum(data$tag == "iteration") > 0 ) {
      data[data$tag == "iteration",]$total_time = 10800 
    if (sum(data$total_time > 10800) > 0 ) {
      data[data$total_time > 10800,]$total_time = 10800 

    Then, we create a column named “method” which gives a specific name to each method, comprising the approach for solving the CCG master problem, the time limit of the standard phase and a flag indicating if the CG-based heuristic was used.

    data$method = paste0(data$master_solver, "_TL", data$standard_phase_time_limit, "_H", data$with_heuristic)
    ## [1] "CG_TL0_Hfalse"    "CG_TL0_Htrue"     "STD_TLInf_Hfalse"
    data = data[data$method != "STD_TLInf_H1" & data$method != "CG_TL120_H0" & data$method != "CG_TL120_H1",]

    Our final data reads.

    Sanity Check

    # Define the relative tolerance
    tolerance <- 10^-2
    # Filter the data where time < 10800 and group by 'instance'
    validation <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 10800) %>%
      group_by(paste0(instance, "_", Gamma)) %>%
      summarise(min_best_obj = min(best_obj), max_best_obj = max(best_obj)) %>%
      mutate(valid = abs(max_best_obj - min_best_obj) / max(abs(min_best_obj), 1) <= tolerance)
    # Check if all instances are valid
    if (all(validation$valid)) {
      print("All methods find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for all instances.")
    } else {
      print("Methods do not find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for some instances.")
      print(validation %>% filter(!valid))  # Show the instances that failed validation
    ## [1] "All methods find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for all instances."

    Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)

    We plot the ECDF of computation time over our set of instances for all approaches.

    ggplot(data, aes(x = total_time, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,10800)) +
      # scale_x_log10() +

    ggplot(data, aes(x = memory_used, col = method)) +
      stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +

    ggplot(data, aes(x = total_time / n_iterations, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      # scale_x_log10() +

    We export these results in csv to print them in tikz.

    #data_with_ecdf = data %>%
    #  group_by(method) %>%
    #  arrange(total_time) %>%
    #  mutate(ecdf_value = ecdf(total_time)(total_time)) %>%
    #  ungroup()
    n_points <- 1000
    x_points <- seq(1, 10800, length.out = n_points)
    data_with_ecdf <- data %>%
      group_by(method) %>%
      arrange(total_time) %>%
      group_modify(~ {
        # Create ECDF function for the current method
        ecdf_func <- ecdf(.x$total_time)
        # Compute ECDF values for the specified points
        tibble(total_time = x_points, ecdf_value = 100 * ecdf_func(x_points))
      }) %>%
    for (method in unique(data_with_ecdf$method)) {
      output = data_with_ecdf[data_with_ecdf$method == method,]
      output = output[,c("total_time", "ecdf_value")]
      output = output[output$total_time < 10800,]
      write.csv(output, file = paste0("TIME_", method, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)
    n_points <- 1000
    x_points <- seq(1, 100, length.out = n_points)
    data_with_ecdf <- data %>%
      group_by(method) %>%
      arrange(memory_used) %>%
      group_modify(~ {
        # Create ECDF function for the current method
        ecdf_func <- ecdf(.x$memory_used)
        # Compute ECDF values for the specified points
        tibble(memory_used = x_points, ecdf_value = 100 * ecdf_func(x_points))
      }) %>%
    for (method in unique(data_with_ecdf$method)) {
      output = data_with_ecdf[data_with_ecdf$method == method,]
      output = output[,c("memory_used", "ecdf_value")]
      write.csv(output, file = paste0("MEMORY_", method, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    Summary table

    In this section, we create a table summarizing the main outcome of our computational experiments.

    We first focus on the solved instances.

    summary_data_lt_10800 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 10800) %>%
      group_by(n_facilities, n_customers, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_total_time = mean(total_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_master_time = mean(master_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_adversarial_time = mean(adversarial_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_n_iterations = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        sum_has_large_scaled = sum(has_large_scaled),
        sum_oom = sum(tag == "iteration"),
        num_lines = n(),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_facilities, n_customers, Gamma, method)

    Then, we compute averages over the unsolved instances.

    summary_data_ge_10800 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time >= 10800) %>%
      group_by(n_facilities, n_customers, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_n_iterations_unsolved = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        num_lines_unsolved = n(),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_facilities, n_customers, Gamma, method)

    Finally, we merge our results.

    transposed_data_lt_10800 <- summary_data_lt_10800 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_total_time:num_lines)
    transposed_data_ge_10800 <- summary_data_ge_10800 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_n_iterations_unsolved:num_lines_unsolved)
    transposed_data_lt_10800 %>% kable()
    n_facilities n_customers Gamma avg_total_time_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_total_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_total_time_STD_TLInf_Hfalse avg_master_time_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_master_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_master_time_STD_TLInf_Hfalse avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_adversarial_time_STD_TLInf_Hfalse avg_n_iterations_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_n_iterations_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_n_iterations_STD_TLInf_Hfalse sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL0_Hfalse sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL0_Htrue sum_has_large_scaled_STD_TLInf_Hfalse sum_oom_CG_TL0_Hfalse sum_oom_CG_TL0_Htrue sum_oom_STD_TLInf_Hfalse num_lines_CG_TL0_Hfalse num_lines_CG_TL0_Htrue num_lines_STD_TLInf_Hfalse
    10 20 3 417.7230 513.5151 19.865948 412.3643 508.2297 15.105566 2.627364 2.560662 2.787303 9.400000 9.400000 9.400000 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 10
    10 20 4 178.5199 172.0768 7.292702 174.7246 168.4561 3.936395 2.588857 2.498928 2.483051 7.600000 7.600000 7.600000 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 10
    10 30 3 464.5931 416.2975 44.760516 451.5422 402.4616 32.211216 9.708875 10.349557 9.649474 8.200000 8.200000 8.200000 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 10
    10 30 4 634.1579 558.3903 40.784240 616.6238 540.1934 23.700220 11.872204 12.941370 12.648772 12.700000 12.700000 12.800000 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 10
    10 40 3 664.4191 481.2485 67.691217 626.2877 444.4605 45.310576 28.340392 27.441523 18.328150 9.100000 9.100000 9.375000 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 8
    10 40 4 851.3128 744.6359 23.939155 803.8878 693.2411 15.397536 31.404191 33.905961 6.468526 10.500000 10.500000 9.125000 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 8
    15 20 3 1155.3760 909.2798 501.899811 1136.9408 891.4251 484.597658 14.185783 14.006380 14.844869 9.555556 9.500000 9.333333 9 10 0 0 0 0 9 10 9
    15 20 4 2618.4744 2497.9198 107.368886 2580.1352 2460.9833 77.077313 30.054111 29.618341 26.871270 11.444444 11.444444 10.285714 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 7
    15 30 3 2541.2373 1905.3680 383.903583 2444.4947 1741.6952 282.878900 80.371847 147.827033 83.786755 9.500000 9.500000 10.500000 6 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 6
    15 30 4 4010.2900 2862.4740 566.983560 3856.0360 2702.8180 442.687620 133.368914 139.062352 109.213804 12.000000 12.400000 12.400000 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 5
    15 40 3 5372.7780 3714.3450 183.896200 5280.0640 3551.7100 93.029740 84.230000 152.602750 85.707840 9.200000 8.833333 9.200000 5 6 0 0 0 0 5 6 5
    15 40 4 4376.4425 2583.5400 995.068267 4103.1275 2315.2800 639.099533 235.037450 230.214125 307.095133 8.500000 9.000000 8.333333 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 3
    transposed_data_ge_10800 %>%  kable()
    n_facilities n_customers Gamma avg_n_iterations_unsolved_STD_TLInf_Hfalse avg_n_iterations_unsolved_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_n_iterations_unsolved_CG_TL0_Htrue num_lines_unsolved_STD_TLInf_Hfalse num_lines_unsolved_CG_TL0_Hfalse num_lines_unsolved_CG_TL0_Htrue
    10 40 3 5.500000 NA NA 2 NA NA
    10 40 4 9.000000 NA NA 2 NA NA
    15 20 3 11.000000 5.000000 NA 1 1 NA
    15 20 4 11.666667 15.000000 15.00000 3 1 1
    15 30 3 12.500000 13.500000 14.25000 4 4 4
    15 30 4 13.800000 13.200000 13.40000 5 5 5
    15 40 3 7.200000 7.600000 10.00000 5 5 4
    15 40 4 7.857143 8.833333 11.16667 7 6 6
    #  transposed_data_lt_10800,
    #  transposed_data_ge_10800
    #) %>%
    #  kable() %>%
    #  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "center")

    Second-stage Deviations

    ggplot(data, aes(x = method, y = second_stage.std_dev / abs(second_stage.mean))) +
      geom_boxplot() +
      labs(title = "Boxplot of",
           x = "Method",
           y = "Number of Iterations") +

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