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    Using column generation in constraint-and-column generation for adjustable robust optimization > JSP

    Loading the data

    Our results can be found in the results.jsp.csv file with the following columns:

    • “tag”: a tag always equal to “result” used grep the result line in our execution log file.
    • “instance”: the path to the instance.
    • “standard_phase_time_limit”: the time limit for the standard phase (i.e., without using CG).
    • “master_solver”: the solver used for solving the CCG master problem: STD for standard, i.e., Gurobi, CG for column generation.
    • “status”: the final status.
    • “reason”: the final status reason.
    • “has_large_scaled”: true if the CG phase has been started, false otherwise.
    • “n_iterations”: the number of iterations.
    • “total_time”: the total time to solve the problem.
    • “master_time”: the time spent solving the master problem.
    • “adversarial_time”: the time spent solving the adversarial problem.
    • “best_bound”: the best bound found.
    • “best_obj”: the best feasible point value.
    • “relative_gap”: the final relative gap.
    • “absolute_gap”: the final absolute gap.
    • “adversarial_unexpected_status”: the status of the adversarial problem solver if it is not Optimal.
    • “with_heuristic”: true if the CG-based heuristic is used.
    • “with_non_optimal_pricing”: always false.
    • “n_jobs”: the number of jobs in the instance.
    • “Gamma”: the value for the uncertainty budget \(\Gamma\).
    • “blank”: this column is left blank.
    data = read.csv("results.csv", header = FALSE)
    colnames(data) = c("slurm_file", "tag", "instance", "standard_phase_time_limit_raw", "Gamma", "with_heuristic", "standard_phase_time_limit", "master_solver", "status", "reason", "has_large_scaled", "n_iterations", "total_time", "master_time", "adversarial_time", "best_bound", "best_obj", "relative_gap", "absolute_gap", "second_stage.mean", "second_stage.std_dev", "adversarial_unexpected_status", "memory_used", "memory_limit")
    data = data %>% mutate(instance = basename(instance),
                    n_jobs = as.numeric(sub(".*N(\\d+)_R.*", "\\1", instance))

    We start by removing the “tag” and the “blank” columns.

    data = data[, !(names(data) %in% c("tag", "blank"))]

    For homogeneity, we fix the total_time of unsolved instances to the time limit.

    if (sum(data$tag == "iteration") > 0 ) {
      data[data$tag == "iteration",]$total_time = 10800 
    if (sum(data$total_time > 10800) > 0 ) {
      data[data$total_time > 10800,]$total_time = 10800 

    Then, we create a column named “method” which gives a specific name to each method, comprising the approach for solving the CCG master problem, the time limit of the standard phase and a flag indicating if the CG-based heuristic was used.

    data$method = paste0(data$master_solver, "_TL", data$standard_phase_time_limit, "_H", data$with_heuristic)
    ## [1] "CG_TL0_Htrue"    "STD_TLInf_Htrue"

    Our final data reads.

    Sanity Check

    # Define the relative tolerance
    tolerance <- 10^-2
    # Filter the data where time < 18000 and group by 'instance'
    validation <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 18000) %>%
      group_by(instance) %>%
      summarise(min_best_obj = min(best_obj), max_best_obj = max(best_obj)) %>%
      mutate(valid = (max_best_obj - min_best_obj) / min_best_obj <= tolerance)
    # Check if all instances are valid
    if (all(validation$valid)) {
      print("All methods find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for all instances.")
    } else {
      print("Methods do not find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for some instances.")
      print(validation %>% filter(!valid))  # Show the instances that failed validation
    ## [1] "All methods find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for all instances."

    Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)

    We plot the ECDF of computation time over our set of instances for all approaches.

    ggplot(data, aes(x = total_time, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,10800)) +
      #scale_x_log10() +

    ggplot(data, aes(x = memory_used, col = method)) +
      stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +

    ggplot(data, aes(x = master_time / n_iterations, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      # coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,18000)) +

    We export these results in csv to print them in tikz.

    data_with_ecdf = data %>%
      group_by(method) %>%
      arrange(total_time) %>%
      mutate(ecdf_value = ecdf(total_time)(total_time)) %>%
    for (method in unique(data_with_ecdf$method)) {
      output = data_with_ecdf[data_with_ecdf$method == method,]
      output = output[,c("total_time", "ecdf_value")]
      output$log_total_time = log10(output$total_time)
      output = output[output$total_time < 18000,]
      write.csv(output, file = paste0(method, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    Summary table

    In this section, we create a table summarizing the main outcome of our computational experiments.

    We first focus on the solved instances.

    summary_data_lt_18000 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 18000) %>%
      group_by(n_jobs, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_total_time = mean(total_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_master_time = mean(master_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_adversarial_time = mean(adversarial_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_n_iterations = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        sum_has_large_scaled = sum(has_large_scaled),
        num_lines = n(),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_jobs, Gamma, method)

    Then, we compute averages over the unsolved instances.

    summary_data_ge_18000 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time >= 18000) %>%
      group_by(n_jobs, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_n_iterations_unsolved = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        num_lines_unsolved = n()
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_jobs, Gamma, method)
    ## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'n_jobs', 'Gamma'. You can override using
    ## the `.groups` argument.

    Finally, we merge our results.

    transposed_data_lt_18000 <- summary_data_lt_18000 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_total_time:num_lines)
    transposed_data_ge_18000 <- summary_data_ge_18000 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_n_iterations_unsolved:num_lines_unsolved) %>%
      select(-n_jobs, -Gamma)
    transposed_data_lt_18000 %>% kable()
    n_jobs Gamma avg_total_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_total_time_STD_TLInf_Htrue avg_master_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_master_time_STD_TLInf_Htrue avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_adversarial_time_STD_TLInf_Htrue avg_n_iterations_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_n_iterations_STD_TLInf_Htrue sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL0_Htrue sum_has_large_scaled_STD_TLInf_Htrue num_lines_CG_TL0_Htrue num_lines_STD_TLInf_Htrue
    15 3 563.2457 346.8273 550.9291 214.5810 4.015344 6.794467 78.4500 144.2750 80 0 80 80
    15 4 914.8133 433.6667 903.6672 263.6355 8.833595 14.665505 89.6750 164.3125 80 0 80 80
    20 3 2198.3943 590.0528 2306.7129 397.6761 14.251847 40.854515 60.6250 132.6500 80 0 80 80
    20 4 3177.2821 908.6789 3372.9363 608.1697 49.963325 99.334654 77.6625 169.6625 80 0 80 80
    transposed_data_ge_18000 %>% kable()
    #  transposed_data_lt_18000,
    #  transposed_data_ge_18000
    #) %>%
    #  kable() %>%
    #  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "center")

    Second-stage Deviations

    ggplot(data, aes(x = method, y = second_stage.std_dev / abs(second_stage.mean))) +
      geom_boxplot() +
      labs(title = "Boxplot of",
           x = "Method",
           y = "Number of Iterations") +
    ## Warning: Removed 4 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
    ## (`stat_boxplot()`).

    This document is automatically generated after every git push action on the public repository hlefebvr/ using rmarkdown and Github Actions. This ensures the reproducibility of our data manipulation. The last compilation was performed on the 20/11/24 21:13:32.