Table of Contents

    Using column generation in constraint-and-column generation for adjustable robust optimization > JSP

    Loading the data

    Our results can be found in the results.jsp.csv file with the following columns:

    • “tag”: a tag always equal to “result” used grep the result line in our execution log file.
    • “instance”: the path to the instance.
    • “standard_phase_time_limit”: the time limit for the standard phase (i.e., without using CG).
    • “master_solver”: the solver used for solving the CCG master problem: STD for standard, i.e., Gurobi, CG for column generation.
    • “status”: the final status.
    • “reason”: the final status reason.
    • “has_large_scaled”: true if the CG phase has been started, false otherwise.
    • “n_iterations”: the number of iterations.
    • “total_time”: the total time to solve the problem.
    • “master_time”: the time spent solving the master problem.
    • “adversarial_time”: the time spent solving the adversarial problem.
    • “best_bound”: the best bound found.
    • “best_obj”: the best feasible point value.
    • “relative_gap”: the final relative gap.
    • “absolute_gap”: the final absolute gap.
    • “adversarial_unexpected_status”: the status of the adversarial problem solver if it is not Optimal.
    • “with_heuristic”: true if the CG-based heuristic is used.
    • “with_non_optimal_pricing”: always false.
    • “n_jobs”: the number of jobs in the instance.
    • “Gamma”: the value for the uncertainty budget \(\Gamma\).
    • “blank”: this column is left blank.
    data = rbind(
      read.csv("results-filtered.csv", header = FALSE)
    colnames(data) = c("slurm_file", "tag", "instance", "standard_phase_time_limit_raw", "Gamma", "with_heuristic", "standard_phase_time_limit", "master_solver", "status", "reason", "has_large_scaled", "n_iterations", "total_time", "master_time", "adversarial_time", "best_bound", "best_obj", "relative_gap", "absolute_gap", "second_stage.mean", "second_stage.std_dev", "adversarial_unexpected_status", "memory_used", "memory_limit")
    #write.csv(data %>% filter(Gamma %in% c(3,6)), "results-filtered.csv", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    data = data %>% mutate(instance = basename(instance),
                    n_jobs = as.numeric(sub(".*N(\\d+)_R.*", "\\1", instance))

    We start by removing the “tag” and the “blank” columns.

    #data = data[, !(names(data) %in% c("tag", "blank"))]

    For homogeneity, we fix the total_time of unsolved instances to the time limit.

    if (sum(data$tag == "iteration") > 0 ) {
      data[data$tag == "iteration",]$total_time = 10800 
    if (sum(data$total_time > 10800) > 0 ) {
      data[data$total_time > 10800,]$total_time = 10800 

    Then, we create a column named “method” which gives a specific name to each method, comprising the approach for solving the CCG master problem, the time limit of the standard phase and a flag indicating if the CG-based heuristic was used.

    data$method = paste0(data$master_solver, "_TL", data$standard_phase_time_limit, "_H", data$with_heuristic)
    ## [1] "STD_TLInf_Htrue" "CG_TL0_Htrue"    "CG_TL0_Hfalse"

    Our final data reads.

    Sanity Check

    # Define the relative tolerance
    tolerance <- 10^-2
    # Filter the data where time < 18000 and group by 'instance'
    validation <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 18000) %>%
      group_by(instance) %>%
      summarise(min_best_obj = min(best_obj), max_best_obj = max(best_obj)) %>%
      mutate(valid = (max_best_obj - min_best_obj) / min_best_obj <= tolerance)
    # Check if all instances are valid
    if (all(validation$valid)) {
      print("All methods find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for all instances.")
    } else {
      print("Methods do not find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for some instances.")
      print(validation %>% filter(!valid))  # Show the instances that failed validation
    ## [1] "All methods find the same best_obj value within the relative tolerance for all instances."

    Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF)

    We plot the ECDF of computation time over our set of instances for all approaches.

    ggplot(data %>% filter(Gamma %in% c(3,6)), aes(x = total_time, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,10800)) +
      #scale_x_log10() +

    for (Gamma_val in unique(data$Gamma)) {
      p = ggplot(data %>% filter(Gamma == Gamma_val), aes(x = total_time, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,10800)) +
      #scale_x_log10() +
    ## [1] 3

    ## [1] 6

    ggplot(data, aes(x = memory_used, col = method)) +
      stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +

    ggplot(data, aes(x = master_time / n_iterations, col = method)) + stat_ecdf(pad = FALSE) +
      # coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,18000)) +

    We export these results in csv to print them in tikz.

    #data_with_ecdf = data %>%
    #  group_by(method) %>%
    #  arrange(total_time) %>%
    #  mutate(ecdf_value = ecdf(total_time)(total_time)) %>%
    #  ungroup()
    n_points <- 1000
    x_points <- seq(1, 10800, length.out = n_points)
    data_with_ecdf <- data %>%
      group_by(method) %>%
      arrange(total_time) %>%
      group_modify(~ {
        # Create ECDF function for the current method
        ecdf_func <- ecdf(.x$total_time)
        # Compute ECDF values for the specified points
        tibble(total_time = x_points, ecdf_value = 100 * ecdf_func(x_points))
      }) %>%
    for (method in unique(data_with_ecdf$method)) {
      output = data_with_ecdf[data_with_ecdf$method == method,]
      output = output[,c("total_time", "ecdf_value")]
      output = output[output$total_time < 10800,]
      write.csv(output, file = paste0("TIME_", method, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

    Summary table

    In this section, we create a table summarizing the main outcome of our computational experiments.

    We first focus on the solved instances.

    summary_data_lt_18000 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time < 10800) %>%
      group_by(n_jobs, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_total_time = mean(total_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_master_time = mean(master_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_adversarial_time = mean(adversarial_time, na.rm = TRUE),
        avg_n_iterations = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        sum_has_large_scaled = sum(has_large_scaled),
        sum_oom = sum(tag == "iteration"),
        num_lines = n(),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_jobs, Gamma, method)

    Then, we compute averages over the unsolved instances.

    summary_data_ge_18000 <- data %>%
      filter(total_time >= 10800) %>%
      group_by(n_jobs, Gamma, method) %>%
        avg_n_iterations_unsolved = mean(n_iterations, na.rm = TRUE),
        num_lines_unsolved = n(),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      arrange(n_jobs, Gamma, method)

    Finally, we merge our results.

    transposed_data_lt_18000 <- summary_data_lt_18000 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_total_time:num_lines)
    transposed_data_ge_18000 <- summary_data_ge_18000 %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = method, values_from = avg_n_iterations_unsolved:num_lines_unsolved)
    transposed_data_lt_18000 %>% kable()
    n_jobs Gamma avg_total_time_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_total_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_total_time_STD_TLInf_Htrue avg_master_time_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_master_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_master_time_STD_TLInf_Htrue avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_adversarial_time_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_adversarial_time_STD_TLInf_Htrue avg_n_iterations_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_n_iterations_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_n_iterations_STD_TLInf_Htrue sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL0_Hfalse sum_has_large_scaled_CG_TL0_Htrue sum_has_large_scaled_STD_TLInf_Htrue sum_oom_CG_TL0_Hfalse sum_oom_CG_TL0_Htrue sum_oom_STD_TLInf_Htrue num_lines_CG_TL0_Hfalse num_lines_CG_TL0_Htrue num_lines_STD_TLInf_Htrue
    30 3 2010.063 1821.504 158.5377 1986.157 1798.688 130.24936 23.04203 22.19827 28.20346 7.225807 7.147541 8.549296 62 61 0 0 0 0 62 61 71
    30 6 1481.399 1394.076 560.3248 1238.982 1129.475 80.37561 241.80795 264.11766 479.88363 6.622642 6.673077 6.728814 53 52 0 0 0 0 53 52 59
    40 3 1469.176 1533.361 315.2581 1438.349 1505.364 207.87783 29.62738 26.98819 107.23685 7.789474 7.842105 10.458333 19 19 0 0 0 0 19 19 48
    40 6 1764.391 1471.362 299.4690 1746.922 1454.200 197.57655 15.00250 15.72054 101.78570 8.250000 8.291667 9.300000 24 24 0 0 0 0 24 24 30
    transposed_data_ge_18000 %>%  kable()
    n_jobs Gamma avg_n_iterations_unsolved_CG_TL0_Hfalse avg_n_iterations_unsolved_CG_TL0_Htrue avg_n_iterations_unsolved_STD_TLInf_Htrue num_lines_unsolved_CG_TL0_Hfalse num_lines_unsolved_CG_TL0_Htrue num_lines_unsolved_STD_TLInf_Htrue
    30 3 6.111111 6.473684 6.888889 18 19 9
    30 6 6.111111 5.964286 8.571429 27 28 21
    40 3 5.672131 5.786885 8.906250 61 61 32
    40 6 3.821429 3.892857 6.500000 56 56 50
    #  transposed_data_lt_18000,
    #  transposed_data_ge_18000
    #) %>%
    #  kable() %>%
    #  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "center")

    Second-stage Deviations

    ggplot(data, aes(x = method, y = second_stage.std_dev / abs(second_stage.mean))) +
      geom_boxplot() +
      labs(title = "Boxplot of",
           x = "Method",
           y = "Number of Iterations") +
    ## Warning: Removed 960 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
    ## (`stat_boxplot()`).

    This document is automatically generated after every git push action on the public repository hlefebvr/ using rmarkdown and Github Actions. This ensures the reproducibility of our data manipulation. The last compilation was performed on the 20/02/25 08:03:36.