Computing Counterfactual Explanations for Linear Optimization: A New Class of Bilevel Models and a Tailored Penalty Alternating Direction Method (AH)

Table of content

    Open Methodology

    We have open methodology on the NETLIB experiments thanks to rmarkdown.
    NETLIB: Compiled version NETLIB: R markdown source

    Open Source

    Our code will soon be available on github.
    In the meantime, note that a general PADM implementation is available in idol.

    Open Data

    We used the exact same data as use in the paper Counterfactual Explanations for Linear Optimization" by Jannis Kurtz, Ş. İlker Birbil, Dick den Hertog. The data is freely available on GitHub.
    JannisKu/CE4LOPT (original) hlefebvr/CE4LOPT (fork)

    Open Access

    We have an online preprint.

    Open Educational Resources

    Slides are available.