
Annotations are additional information associated to an optimization object (e.g., a constraint or a variable). The Annotation class takes two template arguments: an optimization object type and a value type. For instance, we can create an annotation for constraints of type unsigned int as follows.

Env env;

const unsigned int default_value = 0;

Annotation<Ctr, unsigned int> annotation(env, "my_annotation", default_value);

Note that annotations are global, i.e., they do not relate to a given optimization model and can, therefore, be accessed anywhere in the code. Thus, given a constraint called constraint, the value of the annotation can be accessed by calling the Ctr::get method.

std::cout << "My annotation is " << constraint.get(annotation) << std::endl; // "0", i.e., the default_value value

Annotations are, in particular, used to give decomposition instructions to idol when designing a Branch-and-Price algorithm. To learn more, check our Branch-and-Price tutorials.

template<class ObjectT, class ValueT = unsigned int>
class Annotation : public idol::impl::Annotation

Public Functions

inline Annotation(Env &t_env, std::string t_name)


Creates a new annotation stored in t_env with name t_name. No default value is given.

  • t_env – The environment which will store the annotation

  • t_name – The given name to the annotation

template<class ...ArgsT>
inline Annotation(Env &t_env, std::string t_name, ArgsT&&... t_args)


Creates a new annotation stored in t_env with name t_name and a default value. The default value is built “in place” by calling the constructor of ValueT with the arguments given after t_name.

Template Parameters:

ArgsT – Parameter pack template types for constructing the default value of the annotation

  • t_env – The environment which will store the annotation

  • t_name – The given name to the annotation

  • t_args – Parameter pack arguments for constructing the default value of the annotation

inline virtual bool is_var_annotation() const override

Returns true if the annotation is for variables, false otherwise.


true if the annotation is for variables, false otherwise

inline virtual bool is_ctr_annotation() const override

Returns true if the annotation is for constraints, false otherwise.


true if the annotation is for constraints, false otherwise

inline const ValueT &default_value() const

Returns the default value of the annotation.


The default value of the annotation

inline unsigned int id() const

Returns the id of the annotation.

The id is unique within the environment.


The id of the annotation

inline const std::string &name() const

Returns the given name of the annotation.


The given name of the annotation

inline bool has_default() const

Returns true if the annotation has a default value, false otherwise.


true if the annotation has a default value, false otherwise

void free()

Frees the memory kept for the annotation in the environment.

inline Env &env() const

Returns the underlying environment of the annotation.


The underlying environment of the annotation.

Public Static Functions

template<class ...ArgsT>
static inline Annotation<ObjectT, ValueT> make_with_default_value(Env &t_env, std::string t_name, ArgsT&&... t_args)

Creates a new annotation stored in t_env with name t_name and a default value. The default value is built “in place” by calling the constructor of ValueT with the arguments given after t_name.

Template Parameters:

ArgsT – Parameter pack template types for constructing the default value of the annotation

  • t_env – The environment which will store the annotation

  • t_name – The given name to the annotation

  • t_args – Parameter pack arguments for constructing the default value of the annotation


The created annotation