
class TempCtr

Temporary constraint class.

This class represents a constraint which has not been built yet by a Model. It contains all the arguments needed to create a real constraint as instantiated by the Ctr class. It is made of a row (see Row) and a type (see CtrType.rst.rst).

Typically, one creates a TempCtr by using the overloaded operators <=, >= and == between variable expressions (i.e., Expr) and constant terms (i.e., Constant).

Example 1:

model.add_ctr(x + y <= 1.);
Example 2 (equivalent to Example 1):
model.add_ctr(TempCtr(Row(x + y, 1.), LessOrEqual));

Subclassed by idol::CtrVersion

Public Functions

TempCtr() = default

Default constructor.

Creates an empty temporary constraint. The default type is LessOrEqual.

inline TempCtr(Row &&t_row, CtrType t_type)


Creates a new temporary constraint.

  • t_row – The desired row.

  • t_type – The desired constraint type.

TempCtr(const TempCtr &t_src) = default

Copy constructor.


t_src – The object to copy.

TempCtr(TempCtr &&t_src) noexcept = default

Move constructor.


t_src – The object to move.

TempCtr &operator=(const TempCtr &t_src) = default

Copy-assignment operator.


t_src – The object to copy.

TempCtr &operator=(TempCtr &&t_src) noexcept = default

Move-assignment operator.


t_src – The object to move.

inline const Row &row() const

Returns the row of the temporary constraint (see Row).


The row of the temporary constraint.

inline Row &row()

Returns the row of the temporary constraint (see Row).


The row of the temporary constraint.

inline CtrType type() const

Returns the temporary constraint type.


The temporary constraint type.

inline void set_type(CtrType t_type)

Sets the type of the temporary constraint.


t_type – the desired type.

bool is_violated(const Solution::Primal &t_solution) const

Returns true if the temporary constraint is violated by the given solution, false otherwise.


t_solution – The solution to check.