
class Constant

Constant term modeling-old object.

This class is used to build constant terms which will appear in models.

Typically, they represent a real number. However, they can also be an affine combination of Param. This can be useful to define specific decomposition schemes such as Dantzig-Wolfe reformulations where decision variables from a model A are seen as constant terms in a model B.

It is composed of a numerical term and a set of { Param, numerical } pairs representing the following mathematical expression.

\( \text{numerical}_0 + \sum_{j=1}^n \text{numerical}_j \times \text{Param}_j \)

Constant terms can be created by calling the appropriate constructor, or by using overloaded operators such as + and *. For instance, 2 * xi where xi is a Param will yield a Constant.

Public Functions

Constant() = default

Create a new constant term equal to zero.

Constant(const Param &t_param, double t_value = 1.)


Creates a new constant term representing t_value * t_param.

  • t_param – The parameter.

  • t_value – The coefficient for the parameter.

Constant(const Param &t_param_1, const Param &t_param_2, double t_value = 1.)


Creates a new constant term representing t_value * t_param_1 * t_param_2.

  • t_param_1 – The first parameter.

  • t_param_2 – The second parameter.

  • t_value – The coefficient for the parameters.

Constant(double t_constant)


Creates a new constant term equal to the constant given as argument.


t_constant – The constant.

Constant(const Constant &t_src)

Copy constructor.

Constant(Constant&&) noexcept = default

Move constructor.

Constant &operator=(const Constant &t_rhs)

Copy-assignment operator.



Constant &operator=(Constant&&) noexcept = default

Move-assignment operator.



void set(const Param &t_param, double t_value)

Sets the coefficient for a given parameter in the constant term.

If t_coefficient is zero, the entry for t_param is removed (i.e., not stored). The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.

  • t_param – The parameter.

  • t_value – The coefficient associated to the parameter.

void set(const Param &t_param_1, const Param &t_param_2, double t_value)

Sets the coefficient for a given pair of parameters in the constant term.

If t_coefficient is zero, the entry for t_param is removed (i.e., not stored). The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.

  • t_param_1 – The first parameter.

  • t_param_2 – The second parameter.

  • t_value – The coefficient associated to the pair of parameters.

double get(const Param &t_param) const

Returns the coefficient of the parameter given as argument.

If no coefficient is found, zero is returned.


t_param – The queried parameter.

double get(const Param &t_param_1, const Param &t_param_2) const

Returns the coefficient of the pair of parameters given as arguments.

  • t_param_1 – The first parameter.

  • t_param_2 – The second parameter.


The queried parameters.

inline void set_numerical(double t_constant)

Sets the numerical term equal to the constant given as parameter.


t_constant – The numerical term.

inline double numerical() const

Returns the numerical term of the constant.

double as_numerical() const

Returns the numerical term of the constant, and throws an exception if the Constant also contains non-numerical terms, i.e., the Constant is a parametrized constant.


The numerical term of the constant

bool is_zero() const

Returns true if the constant is equal to zero (i.e., if its numerical term is zero and no { Param, numerical } pair can be found). The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.

inline unsigned int size() const

Returns the number of { Param, numerical } pairs stored inside the Constant.

bool is_numerical() const

Returns true if the Constant is a pure numerical, i.e., the Constant is not a parametrized constant, false otherwise.

inline auto linear()

Returns the linear part of the parametrized expression.


The linear part of the parametrized expression.

inline auto linear() const

Returns the linear part of the parametrized expression.


The linear part of the parametrized expression.

inline auto quadratic()

Returns the quadratic part of the parametrized expression.


The quadratic part of the parametrized expression.

inline auto quadratic() const

Returns the quadratic part of the parametrized expression.


The quadratic part of the parametrized expression.

Constant &operator*=(double t_coefficient)

Multiplies the Constant by t_coefficient (i.e., every { Param, numerical } pairs and the numerical term are multiplied).


t_coefficient – The coefficient for multiplication.

Constant &operator/=(double t_coefficient)
Constant &operator+=(double t_term)

Adds up a numerical term to the current numerical term.


t_term – The numerical term to add.

Constant &operator+=(const Param &t_term)

Adds a parameter to the constant (equivalent to adding Constant(t_param, 1)).

Resulting zero entries are removed. The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.


t_term – The parameter to add.

Constant &operator+=(const Constant &t_term)

Adds up another constant term (i.e., both the numerical terms and every { Param, numerical } pairs are added up).

Resulting zero-entries are removed. The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.



Constant &operator-=(const Constant &t_term)

Subtracts another constant term (i.e., both the numerical terms and every { Param, numerical } pairs are substracted).

Resulting zero-entries are removed. The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.


t_term – The constant to subtract.

Constant &operator-=(double t_term)

Subtracts a numerical term to the current numerical term.


t_term – The numerical term to subtract.

Constant &operator-=(Param t_term)

Subtracts parameter to the constant (equivalent to subtracting Constant(t_param, 1)).

Resulting zero entries are removed. The tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity is used to compare with zero.


t_term – The parameter to subtract.

double fix(const Solution::Primal &t_primals) const

Computes the resulting numerical by replacing each Param by their corresponding values in t_primals.


t_primals – Primal values associated to the stored Param


the resulting numerical

double fix(const Solution::Dual &t_duals) const

Computes the resulting numerical by replacing each Param by their corresponding values in t_duals.


t_primals – Dual values associated to the stored Param


the resulting numerical

void round()
Constant &multiply_with_precision(double t_factor, unsigned int t_n_digits)
Constant &multiply_with_precision_by_power_of_10(unsigned int t_exponent, unsigned int t_n_digits)

Public Static Attributes

static Constant Zero

Represents an empty constant.