
This class is used to represent linear expressions in the modeling interface of idol.

It consists in a set of linear terms which represent products of keys (typically, variables) and scalars.


In this example, we create a linear expression representing the following linear expression.

\[3 x_0 + 2 x_1\]
auto x = model.add_vars(Dim<1>(2), 0, Inf, Continuous, "x");

LinExpr lin_expr = 3 * x[0] + 2 * x[1];
template<class Key = idol::Var>
class LinExpr : public idol::AbstractExpr<idol::Var, LinTerm<idol::Var>>
Template Parameters:

Key – the class representing keys

Public Functions

LinExpr() = default
LinExpr(const Key &t_key)
LinExpr(Constant &&t_factor, const Key &t_key)
LinExpr(const Constant &t_factor, const Key &t_key)
void set(const Key &t_key, const Constant &t_coefficient)

Sets the value of a key’s coefficient

The constant is copied.


LinExpr lin_expr;
lin_expr.set(x[0], -1);

  • t_key – the key

  • t_coefficient – the key’s coefficient

virtual void set(const Key &t_key, Constant &&t_coefficient) override

Sets the value of a key’s coefficient

The constant is moved.


LinExpr lin_expr;
lin_expr.set(x[0], -1);

  • t_key – the key

  • t_coefficient – the key’s coefficient

virtual const Constant &get(const Key &t_key) const override

Returns a key’s coefficient


LinExpr lin_expr = 2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1];

std::cout << lin_expr.get(x[0]) << std::endl; // output: 2


t_key – the key


the key’s coefficient

virtual void remove(const Key &t_key) override

Sets the coefficient of a key to zero

This is equivalent to calling LinExpr<Key>::set with a zero coefficient.


t_key – the key

LinExpr fix(const Solution::Primal &t_primals) const
AbstractExpr<Key, IteratorOutputT, Hash, EqualTo> &operator+=(const AbstractExpr<Key, IteratorOutputT, Hash, EqualTo> &t_rhs)

Adds each term of t_rhs to the expression.

Zero entries are removed from the resulting expression.


t_rhs – the expression whose terms are to be added up.


The object itself.

AbstractExpr<Key, IteratorOutputT, Hash, EqualTo> &operator-=(const AbstractExpr<Key, IteratorOutputT, Hash, EqualTo> &t_rhs)

Subtracts each term of t_rhs to the expression.

Zero entries are removed from the resulting expression.


t_rhs – The object whose terms are to be subtracted.


The object itself.

AbstractExpr<Key, IteratorOutputT, Hash, EqualTo> &operator*=(double t_factor)

Multiplies every term of the expression by t_factor.

If t_factor equals zero with tolerance Tolerance::Sparsity, then the expression is emptied.


t_factor – The multiplying factor.


The object itself.

AbstractExpr<Key, IteratorOutputT, Hash, EqualTo> &operator/=(double t_factor)
inline unsigned int size() const

Returns the size of the expression (i.e., number of non-zero entries which are currently stored).


the size of the expression

inline bool empty() const

Returns true if and only if the size is zero.


true if and only if the size is zero

inline const_iterator begin() const

Returns an iterator pointing to the first term of the expression.


an iterator pointing to the first term of the expression

inline const_iterator end() const

Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the expression.


an iterator pointing to the end the expression

inline void clear()

Removes all entries from the expression.

void round()
AbstractExpr multiply_with_precision(double t_factor, unsigned int t_n_digits)
AbstractExpr multiply_with_precision_by_power_of_10(unsigned int t_exponent, unsigned int t_n_digits)
long gcd() const