
class Var : public idol::Object<VarVersion, Var>

Variable modeling-old object.

The class is used to represent a variable in an optimization model.

Variables can be created by calling a constructor of Var, passing the optimization environment which will store the variable’s versions as argument. The variable can then be added to a model using the Model::add method.

Another approach is to directly use the Model::add_var method.

Var x = model.add_var(0, 1, Continuous, "x");

Public Functions

Var(Env &t_env, double t_lb, double t_ub, VarType t_type, std::string t_name = "")


Creates a new variable in the optimization environment.

If no name is given, a unique name in the environment is given.

  • t_env – The optimization environment.

  • t_lb – The lower bound (possibly -Inf) for the default version of the variable.

  • t_ub – The upper bound (possibly +Inf) for the default version of the variable.

  • t_type – The type for the default version of the variable.

  • t_name – The given name of the variable.

Var(Env &t_env, double t_lb, double t_ub, VarType t_type, Column &&t_column, std::string t_name = "")


Creates a new variable in the optimization environment.

If no name is given, a unique name in the environment is given.

  • t_env – The optimization environment.

  • t_lb – The lower bound (possibly -Inf) for the default version of the variable.

  • t_ub – The upper bound (possibly +Inf) for the default version of the variable.

  • t_type – The type for the default version of the variable.

  • t_column – The column for the default version of the variable.

  • t_name – The given name of the variable.

Var(Env &t_env, double t_lb, double t_ub, VarType t_type, const Column &t_column, std::string t_name = "")


Creates a new variable in the optimization environment.

If no name is given, a unique name in the environment is given.

  • t_env – The optimization environment.

  • t_lb – The lower bound (possibly -Inf) for the default version of the variable.

  • t_ub – The upper bound (possibly +Inf) for the default version of the variable.

  • t_type – The type for the default version of the variable.

  • t_column – The column for the default version of the variable.

  • t_name – The given name of the variable.

Var(const Var&) = default
Var(Var&&) = default
Var &operator=(const Var&) = default
Var &operator=(Var&&) = default
inline const std::string &name() const

Returns the name of the optimization object.


The name of the optimization object.

inline unsigned int id() const

Returns the id of the optimization object.


The id of the optimization object.

inline bool is_in(const Model &t_model) const

Returns true if the optimization object is part of the model t_model, false otherwise.


t_model – The model.


True if the optimization object is part of the model t_model, false otherwise.

inline const ValueT &get(const Annotation<Var, ValueT> &t_annotation) const

Returns the value of the given annotation t_annotation associated to the object.

If no value is found, the default value of the annotation is returned. If no default value was set, an exception is thrown.

Template Parameters:

ValueT – The value type of the annotation.


t_annotation – The annotation.


The value of the annotation.

inline void set(const Annotation<Var, ValueT> &t_annotation, ArgsT&&... t_args) const

Sets the value of the given annotation t_annotation associated to the object.

Template Parameters:
  • ValueT – The value type of the annotation.

  • ArgsT – The parameter pack types for constructing the value of the annotation.

  • t_annotation – The annotation.

  • t_args – The parameter pack arguments used to construct “in place” the value of the annotation.

Public Static Functions

template<unsigned int N = 1, unsigned int I = 0>
static inline Vector<Var, N - I> make_vector(Env &t_env, const Dim<N> &t_dim, double t_lb, double t_ub, VarType t_type, const std::string &t_name = "")

Creates a (nested) vector of variables.


Env env;

auto x = Var::make_vector(env, Dim<2>(m, n), 0., 1., Continuous, "x");

std::cout << x[1][4].name() << std::endl; // "x_1_4"

Template Parameters:
  • N – The dimension of the (nested) vector.

  • I – Used for recursion.

  • t_env – The environment to store the variables.

  • t_dim – The number of elements in each dimension.

  • t_lb – The lower bound.

  • t_ub – The upper bound.

  • t_type – The type of the variables.

  • t_name – The given name of the variables.


A (nested) vector of variables.


friend class impl::Env