
class Column : public idol::impl::Column

Column modeling-old object.

This class is used to represent an optimization model’s column. It is made of an objective coefficient and a set of { Ctr, Constant } pairs representing the coefficient (Constant) of the column in each row (Ctr). Such pairs are called components.

Public Functions

Column() = default

Default constructor.

Creates an empty column.

inline Column(Constant &&t_obj)


Creates a new column with no components and on objective coefficient equal to t_obj


t_obj – The objective coefficient

inline Column(const Constant &t_obj)


Creates a new column with no components and on objective coefficient equal to t_obj


t_obj – The objective coefficient

Column(const Column &t_src) = default

Copy constructor.


t_src – The object to be copied

Column(Column &&t_src) noexcept = default

Move constructor.


t_src – The object to be moved

Column &operator=(const Column &t_src) = default

Copy-assignment operator


t_src – The object to copy



Column &operator=(Column &&t_src) noexcept = default

Move-assignment operator


t_src – The object to move



Column fix(const Solution::Primal &t_primals) const

Creates a new column in which all Param in each Constant are replaced by their corresponding values in t_primals


t_primals – the primal values for the parameters.


the new column.

inline Constant &obj()

Returns the (linear) objective coefficient of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with column whose objective is 2 implies that the model has a term in the objective function which is 2 * x.


The (linear) objective coefficient of the column

inline const Constant &obj() const

Returns the (linear) objective coefficient of the column. For instance, a model’s variable x with column whose objective is 2 implies that the model has a term in the objective function which is 2 * x.


The (linear) objective coefficient of the column

inline ::idol::LinExpr<Var> &obj_quadratic()

Returns the (quadratic) objective coefficient of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with column whose objective is 2 * y implies that the model has a term in the objective function which is 2 * y * x.


The (quadratic) objective coefficient of the column

inline const ::idol::LinExpr<Var> &obj_quadratic() const

Returns the (quadratic) objective coefficient of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with column whose objective is 2 * y implies that the model has a term in the objective function which is 2 * y * x.


The (quadratic) objective coefficient of the column

inline LinExpr<Ctr> &linear()

Returns the (linear) components of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with a column having a component { constraint, 2 } implies that the model has a constraint constraint with a term 2 * x.


The (linear) components of the column.

inline const LinExpr<Ctr> &linear() const

Returns the (linear) components of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with a column having a component { constraint, 2 } implies that the model has a constraint constraint with a term 2 * x.


The (linear) components of the column.

inline QuadExpr<Ctr, Var> &quadratic()

Returns the (quadratic) components of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with a column having a component { constraint, 2 * y } implies that the model has a constraint constraint with a term 2 * y * x.


The (quadratic) components of the column.

inline const QuadExpr<Ctr, Var> &quadratic() const

Returns the (quadratic) components of the column.

For instance, a model’s variable x with a column having a component { constraint, 2 * y } implies that the model has a constraint constraint with a term 2 * y * x.


The (quadratic) components of the column.

inline void set_linear(LinExpr<Ctr> &&t_lin_expr)

Sets the (linear) components of the column.


t_lin_expr – The (linear) components of the column

inline void set_linear(const LinExpr<Ctr> &t_lin_expr)

Sets the (linear) components of the column.


t_lin_expr – The (linear) components of the column

inline void set_quadratic(QuadExpr<Ctr, Var> &&t_quad_expr)

Sets the (quadratic) components of the column.


t_lin_expr – The (quadratic) components of the column

inline void set_quadratic(const QuadExpr<Ctr, Var> &t_quad_expr)

Sets the (quadratic) components of the column.


t_lin_expr – The (quadratic) components of the column

inline void set_obj(Constant &&t_obj)

Sets the (linear) objective coefficient.


t_obj – The (linear) objective coefficient

inline void set_obj(const Constant &t_obj)

Sets the (linear) objective coefficient.


t_obj – The (linear) objective coefficient

inline Column &operator+=(const Column &t_rhs)

Adds the objective and components of t_rhs to the objective and components of the column.


t_rhs – the right hand-side



inline Column &operator-=(const Column &t_rhs)

Subtracts the objective and components of t_rhs to the objective and components of the column.


t_rhs – the right hand-side



inline Column &operator*=(double t_rhs)

Multiplies the objective and components of the column by a given factor.


t_rhs – the right hand-side



Public Static Attributes

static const Column EmptyColumn

Represents an empty column