
class TempVar

Temporary variable class.

This class represents a variable which has not been built yet by a Model. It contains all the arguments needed to create a real variable as instantiated by the Var class. It is made of a lower and an upper bound, a type (see VarType), and a column (see Column).

Example 1:

model.add_var(0., 1., Binary, 2.);
// is the same as
model.add_var(TempVar(0., 1., Binary, 2.));

Subclassed by idol::VarVersion

Public Functions

TempVar() = default

Default constructor.

Creates a new temporary variable. The default lower and upper bounds are 0 and Inf and the type is Continuous.

inline TempVar(double t_lb, double t_ub, VarType t_type, Column &&t_column)


Creates a new temporary variable.

  • t_lb – The desired lower bound.

  • t_ub – The desired upper bound.

  • t_type – The desired variable type.

  • t_column – The desired column.

TempVar(TempVar &&t_src) = default

Copy constructor.


t_src – The object to copy.

TempVar(const TempVar &t_src) = default

Move constructor.


t_src – The object to move.

TempVar &operator=(TempVar &&t_src) = default

Copy-assignment operator.


t_src – The object to copy.

TempVar &operator=(const TempVar &t_src) = default

Move-assignment operator.


t_src – The object to move.

inline const Column &column() const

Returns the column of the temporary variable (see Column).


The column of the temporary variable.

inline Column &column()

Returns the column of the temporary variable (see Column).


The column of the temporary variable.

inline double lb() const

Returns the lower bound of the temporary variable.


The lower bound of the temporary variable.

inline void set_lb(double t_lb)

Sets the lower bound of the temporary variable.


t_lb – The desired lower bound of the temporary variable.

inline double ub() const

Returns the upper bound of the temporary variable.


The upper bound of the temporary variable.

inline void set_ub(double t_ub)

Sets the upper bound of the temporary variable.


t_ub – The desired upper bound of the temporary variable.

inline VarType type() const

Returns the type of the temporary variable.


The type of the temporary variable.

inline void set_type(VarType t_type)

Sets the type of the temporary variable.


t_type – The desired type of the temporary variable.